Game 1 - Training
Stickhandle as quickly as you can to random target lights. The targets stay lit until ePuck passes directly over it. Each target hit counts for 1 point. Score as many points as you can in a 45 second shift!
Game 1 - Training With Defender (Included with App Subscription)
Stickhandle as quickly as you can to random target lights while avoiding the blue defender! Defenders change position every five seconds. Each target hit counts for 1 point. Hitting the defender subtracts 1 point. Score as many points as you can in the 45 second shift.
Game 1 – Training With 2 Defenders (Included App Subscription)
Stickhandle as quickly as you can to random target lights while avoiding 2 blue defenders! Defenders change position every five seconds. Each target hit counts for 1 point. Hitting the defender subtracts 1 point. Score as many points as you can in the 45 second shift.
Game 1 - Training - With 3 Defenders (Included with App Subscription)
Stickhandle as quickly as you can to random target lights while avoiding 3 blue defenders! Defenders change position every five seconds. Each target hit counts for 1 point. Hitting the defender subtracts 1 point. Score as many points as you can in the 45 second shift.